Healthcare Professionals

Collaborative spirit

Please do not hesitate to reach out to us if you have questions or if you wish discuss potential collaborations with us.
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Our Commitment to Patients

Cancer has no borders. Neither do we.

At BeiGene, our core value is “patients first.” Every day we strive to create high-quality, innovative medicines faster and more affordably for patients. It’s not enough for innovative drugs to simply exist. We want to make sure patients can access them. We work with cancer communities in the U.S., Europe, Asia, and around the globe to learn from and provide needed support to patients, caregivers and families to raise awareness and improve lives.

Our passion is partnership. Our commitment to patients is resolute.

  • We communicate honestly, transparently and accurately.
  • We listen with empathy to learn from patients/caregivers and connect where they are.
  • We respect the healthcare provider/patient relationship.
  • We empower patients through education and resources to manage their disease.
  • We respect diversity and promote inclusion among all people impacted by cancer.
  • We support initiatives and programs that help patients live fuller, more engaged lives.
  • We provide opportunities for our employees to engage in cancer communities.